Version 9.0.0
Happy Birthday,!
It’s been 30 years since the original MTrek was written by clp, almost 5 years since the launch of this server, and just over 2 years since the last score wipe.
Version 9
To mark this passing of time, the game has been updated to a “Classic” 1990’s version of the game… but with a few twists and easter eggs. For those of you who have gotten addicted to the ultra-powerful ships, worry not. Over time, unlocks and discoveries will be made to add depth to the game. Expansions will be released. If it seems like these hidden features need it, I’ll “help” the process along. There will also be challenges or special events with in-game rewards like we’ve seen a few years ago.
So please don’t be discouraged by the vanilla appearance on the surface of the game. Rather, take this opportunity to enjoy the “original” as it was when most of us started playing. Soon enough, the more contemporary ships and features will rise to the surface again. For the Banana Slugs out there, obviously yours was an even earlier incarnation. I settled on the 1997-ish version because it was arguably the most balanced, and 1997 was about the peak of mtrek’s popularity in terms of how many active players we had. Choosing that period also allows us to expand both forward and backwards.
Score Wipe
If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’ve already noticed that all the ships are gone! Those hours spent building fleets and earning gold haven’t been wasted. The final scores have been preserved, and players’ ranks / cumulative scores will continue to be tracked on individual player pages (that’s where you click a player’ name on For whatever it’s worth, filling up a new scoreboard is one of the most entertaining parts of the game and we have quite a few powerhouse players who will be competing for that #1 spot. Game on
In Thanks
Finally, I’d like to thank all of the players who continue to play, making this all worthwhile. A Special Thanks goes out to Jay Ashworth and Joe Hopkinson, who wrote the JavaTrek game engine powering I also have to thank Tim Wisseman for coming up with some of the earliest concepts for the game, and of course Chuck L. Peterson, who Created and maintained our favorite game for years. RIP clp