Reply To: An idea for ver. 7.0: Classic 90's MTrek (sort of)

Written by  on 1701 forums mtrek forum An idea for ver. 7.0: Classic 90's MTrek (sort of) Reply To: An idea for ver. 7.0: Classic 90's MTrek (sort of)


Relax. No one is resetting anything. We are barely 3 months into our current software version. There were countless hours spent during the beta phase (by not just myself, but other players) trying to get this setup right, and I’m not ready to kick over the sand castle yet.

To clarify, I still very much like today’s game and will continue to develop it. There’s still an expansion in the works, forcast to be pushed later this year.

I just find it interesting to kick around ideas for future incarnations is all. If many people (regulars) support the idea for a 90s ship selection, I’m willing to explore the idea for 7.0. We are very far away from anything like that happening though.

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