Reply To: Version 6.0 open BETA discussion

Written by  on 1701 forums mtrek forum Version 6.0 open BETA discussion Reply To: Version 6.0 open BETA discussion


“””If your idea of fun is to start a new ship each time you log in, and jump straight into battle for some fast action…”””

I believe you just perfectly described my play style O_O
I’m guessing the dy will never fit my play style… And thinking back most of my “great dy ideas” probably leaned towards the agressive play style..

1. Trying to suicide warp into phaser range 13-16
2 Trying to teleport into phaser range from thin air
Q. How much torps could a trigger happy squirel chunk if a trigger happy squirel could chunk freighter torps.
A. A trigger happy squirel would chunk all that he could chunk if a trigger happy squirel could chunk freighter torps

Yes I’ve I tried plasma chunking with freighter torps and sadly it doesn’t work nearly as well as it sounds…

The freighter torps fire at warp 21 and have around a 4400 range but unfortunately they only have a 1 unit detonation range unlike plasma… And besides that plasma does 1500 Dmg compared to 200 dmg..

“All the great dy ideas” failed pretty hard 🙁

Moral of the story
1.Admins are usually always right
2.Dy-600 isnt a Klingon ship

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