
Update 11.5.2 NPC/Bot Adjustments
Written by obit on February 12, 2023
Patch Notes for Update 11.5.2:
Robot Controlled Ships
- Bots now behave more aggressively in asteroids and other “slow zones” (iridium/ship debris etc.).
- Bots can now drop mines while cloaked under certain circumstances.
- Bots will now ram other ships under certain circumstances.
Upcoming Changes
- Further testing and refinement of bot behavior.
- Part 3 of the “Delta Expansion” update, including fine-tuning the Delta Quadrant map layout.
- Ship class / game balance adjustments (no nerfs!)
Update 11.5.0 Wormhole, Ship Letters, Ferengi
Written by obit on February 5, 2023
Patch Notes for Update 11.5.0:
Robot Controlled Ships
- Minor adjustments to bot behavior.
- Wormhole is now a direct two-way passage between Alpha and Gamma Quadrants.
- Beta and Omega Quadrants have been disabled. (for now)
- Ships that were saved at Beta/Omega starbases have been relocated to Alpha Quadrant.
New Ship Class Selection Screen
- The “Select Class” screen for creating new ships has been rearranged.
- Ship classes have been re-lettered to reflect their new locations on the selection screen.
- Corrected issue where multiple invalid selections would cause the selection screen to scroll away. Selection screen now remains static until a valid selection is made.
Ship Balance
- Slight increase to Ferengi class gold-earning rates.
Upcoming Changes
- Further testing and refinement of bot behavior.
- Part 3 of the “Delta Expansion” update, including fine-tuning the Delta Quadrant map layout.
- Ship class / game balance adjustments (no nerfs!)
Update 11.3.0 NPC/Bot Adjustments
Written by obit on February 1, 2023
Patch Notes for Update 11.3.0:
Robot Controlled Ships
- Bots now work together in teams based on Homeworld factions.
- Bot names are now Homeworld-specific; Federation bots will use names like “USS Lexington” or “USS Ganges”, Gorn ships will use names like “GCS Sharp Claw” or “GCS Tarbonix”, etc etc for each faction respectively.
- Bot spawning/de-spawning adjustments to help prevent clumping up or having too many of one bot class or another. Some randomness is allowed to ensure an ever-changing landscape of NPC fauna.
- Testing the re-introduction of THX gold freighters.
- There are now two distinct factions of Borg spawning in Delta Quadrant. Non-aligned Cubes, Spheres, and AVG IXs will spawn with the playable variants of their respective classes and typical human player-like names, while Borg Collective-aligned bots will fly advanced (dangerous) ships, and can be identified by a ship name like “CUBE [glyphs]” or “SPHERE [glyphs]”.
Upcoming Changes
- Further testing and refinement of bot behavior.
- Part 3 of the “Delta Expansion” update, including fine-tuning the Delta Quadrant map layout.
- Ship class / game balance adjustments (no nerfs!)
Update 11.2.3 Delta Expansion
Written by obit on January 24, 2023
Patch Notes for Update 11.2.3:
New BORG Ship Classes
- There are now two new dangerous robot Borg classes.
- These are non-playable classes, and they can be encountered in Delta Quadrant. Reminder: you can view another ship’s specifications in-game with the “&[shipletter]” command.
- Take care when approaching the new Borg robots; They can deal a tremendous amount of damage. I suggest experimenting with a throwaway before risking your high gold ships.
Delta Quadrant Economy
- Starbases in Delta will NOT award gold for Dmage Given.
- The game will continue to track your score as if you had never docked, and you will receive the full gold balance owed upon docking at a base in another quadrant.
Player Fleet-Scoreboard
- Adjusted the function of the in-game “Your Fleet” page, seen when you log out.
- The Fleet page will now display a player’s entire fleet, up to 200 ships.
Upcoming Changes
- This update is part 2 of 3.
- In part 3, further adjustments will be made, including fine-tuning of the bots and Delta Quadrant layout.
Update 11.2.1 Delta Expansion
Written by obit on January 22, 2023
Patch Notes for Update 11.2.1:
New Delta Quadrant Layout
- A larger Delta Quadrant layout has been added.
- To see the new layout for yourself, jump into one of the Borg ship classes or find object “Z” in the Alpha quadrant.
- A fast ship is recommended for navigating the vast distances between starbases.
Intrepid Class
- The Intrepid class now spawns in the Alpha quadrant.
Upcoming Changes
- This update is part 1 of 3.
- In parts 2 and 3, further adjustments will be made, including new bots and economy changes specific to the Delta quadrant.
Special Thanks
Special thanks to Pete for his contributions in designing and testing this expansion. Without his creative inputs, the Delta quadrant would not have been as expansive and detailed as it is now.