Updates – 1701

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Latest updates for the game on mtrek.com port 1701

Version 11.0.0

Written by  on May 26, 2020

Version 11 has arrived!

It’s been about 850 days since the last major game update. Here’s a breakdown of what’s changed (and some things that haven’t changed).

  • The scores have NOT been reset. All of your old ships are still alive. (UPDATE: this is no longer the case. Based on feedback from a majority of players, the scoreboard has been reset.)
  • The entire pool of ships has been re-balanced. Some of your old macros might require adjustment. Updated ship class specs can be found here: http://mtrek.com/guides/ship-classes/
  • The quadrant maps have changed to a classic/standard layout, and can be found here: http://mtrek.com/guides/maps/
  • The economy has slowed somewhat and the bots roam across a much larger galaxy.
  • There is a forum post where you can ask questions, report bugs, or simply discuss the update in general here: http://mtrek.com/?post_type=topic&p=7955
