Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThe bots showed a perfect solution to a user trying to exploit this bug. Preposition CV97 or Scout as they have minimum torp range of 300 while Galaxy is 500. Stay in the sweet zone of >300 and <500 and pump offending Galaxy full of plasma. The only way for an offending Galaxy to survive is to orbit a XTAL planet. The solution to that is to “chainsaw”. Hope this helps.
ParticipantPete helped me out and I spent some time looking into that. Galaxy class does that. If you have 40+ damage, over warp by hitting “W” then make a high speed turn like CAP L to increase damage you can induce the -2x 10^-9 damage. It is chancy, so you might get the damage and blow yourself up or just get the damage. You have to find your sweet zone. Just like the lyrics to “Suicide is Painless” performing this maneuver brings on many changes. First, if you save you will not retain any gold and when you sign back on you are reborn an out of the birth canal Galaxy. Second, you may not be killed outright but you can have your WE/IE reduced to zero from taking hits. This will leave you like a finned shark. You still lose WE/IE at the same rate as normal, just your damage does not kill you. So it comes to: Is it worse to get blown up or just stay online in the game unable to do anything?
ParticipantAs of 1613 ET 7 November 2020, the telnet game allows sign in but only the HUD template shows, no variable data appears. The web site shows updates of players signing on. Better than before, hoping this gets cured with the next reset.
ParticipantBeen playing the XMLtrek site, but this mtrek is the best game in town. Everything and everyone good on your end, Rick?
ParticipantAre you sure it is not bots railing you? Currently there are just not enough live players to cause much of a problem. To avoid bots, try using the less used AM and crystal planets. You can also try getting AM in GAMMA where is much lower than ALPHA.
You can also talk to people via messages, learn how to do that on the site. You can find out who the other players are by typing who -l instead of ship name on sign in. who just gives a list of active ships with stats.2×4
ParticipantGot a certificate out of date error when signing in:
“ uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate expired on Saturday, January 6, 2018, 9:09 PM. The current time is Monday, February 5, 2018, 6:01 PM. Error code: SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE”The Easter Egg hunt for upgrades was a bit daunting.
ParticipantMost of us play both parts at one time or another.
ParticipantThe quality of mercy is not strained……..