Forum Replies Created
KeymasterEveryone has their own style, but I personally believe that the cardies (aside from the 180) are some of the best non-cloaking ships.
I’ll admit the 120 is a lightweight, but it has cheap warp and it’s quick. They’re pretty easy to keep alive imo.
The Galor (it’s a standard javatrek version like all the other T1 ships) is comparable with a Larson in most regards. The ESI, long scanner, variable drones, and regenerating mine make it a little better than the Larson for fighting cloaking ships. It also has a nice 20% gold bonus in this version.
The current game’s Keldon hasn’t seen much action at all, but I found that I could thoroughly trash the bots with it in testing. The scanner and ultra-low visibility (50%) are key to survival. It gets a boost in firepower over the Galor and it has a THICC hull/shield combo. Theres a 40% gold earning rate increase to boot.
I’ve seen one or two Jem Hadar ships (T2) since the new game version launched, and as anyone who’s played on this server for a long time can tell you, the JH is a Nasssty ship. If I had time to add another ship to my fleet… who knows. The JH doesn’t need any upgrade at all. On the other hand, it would be the faster of the two T2 options if ultimately unlocking the T3 were the goal.
The only T3 Cardy I’ve seen on the scoreboard so far is the Hideki named “1995”. I’ll just say that it’s worth the effort π
Keymasterbump to the front page again since this topic recently came up in the game
KeymasterIt’s a thing.. There’s always a small chance that any of the Cygnus Black Holes will send you to another quadrant, and/or into very deep space.
KeymasterHa! I could see this sparking off a kind of “Space Race”. The first player to get an xwarp-capable ship equipped with seekers will win.
KeymasterAs Pete mentioned, the 10-hour seeker timeout starts over with each new upgrade. That was an unforeseen side effect of the way ship upgrades are executed… but I think I’ll just roll with it (I’m still not entirely sure what will happen if you upgrade while you have a seeker in your inventory). If you haven’t used the seeker much in PvP, I encourage you to do so when you eventually unlock it. It really is a game-changer and totally worth the wait.
Aside from the obvious utility when you’re looking for a gold-heavy bot or other potential target across the quad, following an xwarper, etc., you can also launch it at a cloaked ship in the immediate area to gain a strong tactical advantage. When used in concert with magnabuoys and standard buoys, you can often render an opponent’s cloak completely ineffective.
So while on one hand it kind of sucks having to wait so long for a seeker in the already insanely powerful Tier 2s and 3s, it is also nice that seekers are few and far between…especially when you’re flying something slower or with less than a full minute of cloak available.
KeymasterTrial and
errorsuccess…I can tell you that the ships only get better as you progress through the Tiers. Also, as I noted in the original post, the gold-per-DmgGiven rates improve as you go, and will eventually fully offset the cost for an upgrade (if you can survive long enough).
If it’s any consolation, I don’t think there are any bad ships in the game; there are however, some that will require strategies outside of our comfort zones.
Keep an eye on this forum thread as I update the top post with unlocks from time to time. Also, I recommend you share cross tell with your fellow players. You could work together and split up the work, or keep your cards close to hold an edge over the competition.
KeymasterHehe I’ll try to answer this carefully without giving too much away:
Any planet that offers an upgrade will only offer a single ship class. No two planets will offer the same thing.
Keymasterfake news Lol
KeymasterThe second black hole was an in-game trigger and wasn’t active at the launch of this version. By assigning it a default object letter Z, it avoided any conflict if there happened to already be a player-generated object at the same time, such as gold, plasma, ship debris, etc. it was much simpler to do it that way than to let it generate its own letter from the queue or come up with a timer or whatever.
KeymasterI think it’s working properly now. Please let me know if you have any more issues. Thanks
KeymasterIn reply to my own question: When is the next high score reset?
I suppose the answer is: Today
Please see the announcement for more info
KeymasterTo clarify, the original unlocked torp is 100 power– not 200, but I changed them back to the version 6-8 specs anyways bc a couple of you guys seem to like them.
Besides- DY is still a wet rag of a ship. The change won’t have much effect on that π
KeymasterSorry didn’t mean to cut you off when we were talking in the game- I’m working, but I’ll dig into the freighter torps asap
KeymasterThanks for the heads up. I will do some more testing π
KeymasterI don’t have any clear goals about the scoreboard, though I have always wanted to see a ship legitimately earn 1,000,000 gold… Anyways the reason I started thinking about this is because we’re coming up on 2 years since the last hard reset. The oldest ship in the database was launched on April 22, 2015. The bottom ship on the in-game scoreboard has more than 140K.
I agree with what you said; it sucks to lose years of effort in building up ships and fleets. But I also consider how overwhelming the scoreboard might be for a new player, or even for an old mtrek veteran who might just be returning without that 2 year head start.
I wrote a post about it last June, but for whatever reason, I archived the post as a draft and never published it. (Heheh there are many many such articles, posts, and pages here that I’ve never finished/published.) Since it’s such a tough decision to make, I basically was passing the decision off to whoever could reach the rank of “FLEET ADMIRAL *X*” first. It’s a little awkward to say that now, because Pete’s already there as of about a month ago. That’s a milestone/objective that would have been better stated up front and transparently.
I suppose the next question might come with whatever the future of this game holds. There will definitely be more updates at some point. Depending on how they play out in terms of the in-game economy, it might be difficult- or unfair even, for newer ships to compete with older ships. For example, the bots spawn with varying amounts of gold right now, but if we went back to new bots having 0 or little gold, ships’ gold/hour gold/conflict gold/damage ratios will be all out of whack.
I don’t think there’s a perfect answer and there are some unknowns involved here. I’m not comfortable with making a decision like that in a vacuum, especially when you guys have so many hours invested already.
Before April 2015, there were a couple of score resets. My own sentiment has changed over time, but one thing I’ve noticed is that players stop trying when they sense a reset on the horizon. There’s a measurable drop in traffic on the server even. Part of that might be discouragement from losing ones game progress, and the other part is simply, why bother trying to get a new ship up on the board when it’ll be wiped at x time anyways? Equally disheartening is the fallout after a reset. Players have become understandably upset at losing their ships and we might have lost players along the way because of it.
Like I said, my sentiments have changed over time, and just thinking it through as I write this reply, I’ve leaned a little more in favor of NOT resetting the scores at all.