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KeymasterNice uh… analogy. I’ll take that as your heartfelt agreement with everything I just said then?
Because I think we’re on the same page here. The BR1K & BR2K were like
And then with 45-second cloaks they turned into
And now we can cut the cloak down to about 25 seconds so it’s more like
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
KeymasterYou know… I think I like where you’re going with this.
I can’t say I agree with you on all points here, but switching back to an “upgrades” model like we had in 4.x (when you started playing) neatly solves the problem of what to do with all the existing ships in the database: Simple, keep them all alive.
A 4.x-ish version with upgrades also allows us to get away with the upgrade-ships being slightly more powerful than their “core-14” counterparts. After all, we ARE paying gold to get them. The cost for upgrading can also be a balancing factor for upgrade ships that are more powerful than other upgrade ships. ie, a KPB-13 to D-11 upgrade might be almost free, while a (standard issue) Warbird to (badass) RWAR might cost 10,000 gold.
Very interesting subject indeed!
There are a couple of problems to figure out though:
(1) What to do with the bots… If we’re trying to keep the game “classic” and simple enough for old vets to get back into it quickly, the bots would probably need to all come from the core-14 list. Anyone “clued” enough to be flying around in an upgrade ship would likely be a regular here already… and hopefully not dickish enough to trash the rusty oldbies with their fancy upgraded ships. I think we can manage that, and slowly ease those old returning guys into the whole “upgrade” thing while they re-familiarize themselves with the basic game and basic robot opponents.
The issue with core-14 bots, is that gameplay might become stale for the regulars who mostly fight bots and avoid conflict with humans. Tying into that, the regs will have upgrade ships, and will smoke the core-14 bots even more easily than we do already with 38 possible robot classes.
BUT! mtrek is a social multiplayer game, above all else. The multiplayer-ness above all else, attracts/keeps new players. Without m(shipletter) and m*, the game would die. Simple as that. Being a persistent-world MPG, there is a lot of politicking and conflict going on between players. If we can remain socially active, (there is somebody online more often than not these days) and keep doing what we do, the PvP element will emerge. That PvP element will help bring out the depth of an upgrade-class setup… And I think this will actually work in the long run.
So to summarize problem #1 (core-14 bots), I think we’d be perfectly fine with that- even if there is less variety in the bot department.
(2) As soon as a returning veteran player catches wind of the whole upgrade thing, his (or her LOL. I’ve only encountered a small handful of female MTrekkers in the 20+ yrs I’ve been playing this game – easier to just say “his” for now I guess) mind will be blown. It is almost the same thing as having close to 40 classes at the start menu, only they have to learn (a) the specs of the “new” classes and (b) how tf the whole upgrade system works.
This problem #2 is tricky, because we need to initially present the game in a way that seems familiar and is easy to pick up- at least long enough to get those players hooked again. Having standard ships and standard bots to start with will help, but as soon as I log in with my 80k AVG-IX, our cover will be blown…
If there’s one thing I regret about admin-ing this server, it’s my own lack of dedication to updating the documentation, player guides, maps etc… I can’t help myself; I’m addicted to the game, and if I have a spare minute or two, I’m more likely to log in and earn a few K or bs with whom ever is online- than I am to update the docs 😛 Forgive me, but maybe I’d be a better admin if I wasn’t also totally hooked on playing this game haha
Anyways, to support a 7.0 with a classic front window, but also with a deep underlying advancement system, everything would need to be well documented. I’m not sure how to overcome that obstacle, other than to step up my own game as admin and put my nose to the documentation grindstone, dammit! Lol
I can see one solution to this problem #2 (This is the lazy mtrekker in me talking): And that is, don’t document shit. Put up a standard players guide, mention briefly that there’s upgrade classes available, maybe even post the specs of those classes somewhere… but basically do as so many of today’s games have done, and leave it up to the players to figure it all out. Honestly, the “struggle-to-figure-shit-out” aspect of modern gaming has evolved not only from cutting costs and man hours to put a how-to guide into a plastic disc case, but also from the fact that it truly adds some depth to the gaming experience, and maybe these multi-$M corporations are on to something.
I could totally keep going with a #3/#4 etc… but I have stuff to do now. Anyways, I think I’m more on board with your ideas SQ, than I am with skinning the game down to a 1998 MTrek clone. Thanks for posting buddy!
KeymasterRelax. No one is resetting anything. We are barely 3 months into our current software version. There were countless hours spent during the beta phase (by not just myself, but other players) trying to get this setup right, and I’m not ready to kick over the sand castle yet.
To clarify, I still very much like today’s game and will continue to develop it. There’s still an expansion in the works, forcast to be pushed later this year.
I just find it interesting to kick around ideas for future incarnations is all. If many people (regulars) support the idea for a 90s ship selection, I’m willing to explore the idea for 7.0. We are very far away from anything like that happening though.
June 9, 2016 at 12:49 am in reply to: Anybody interested in a team game, PvP Arena, and/or some gambling this weekend? #6845obit
KeymasterFri/Sat 6pm & 9pm just like last time:
June 8, 2016 at 3:51 am in reply to: Anybody interested in a team game, PvP Arena, and/or some gambling this weekend? #6839obit
KeymasterOnly if I’m flying the admin ship when you beat me.
For support requests, bug reports etc regarding the EG server, please contact:
Unfortunately, I can only help you with issues from 🙂
KeymasterApril 29, 2016 at 10:55 am in reply to: ERROR: You do not have permission to create new topics. #6671obit
KeymasterTest test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test Test test
KeymasterForgive the crappy video. It was a first attempt, and it really doesn’t show much.
KeymasterIn case the video embed doesn’t work properly in your browser:
Also, you can read the the text chat box going along with the stream. when you watch on the Twitch website.
Keymasterk. figured out how to record. uploaded a test video to youtube… waited like an hour so far (seems like) for youtube to attach some b.s. song I’ve never heard of to my audio-less video.. There has to be a better way.
I seem to remember a couple of years back (ok like 10 years ago) youtubing was kind of fun. I even had a funny videos channel of sorts with a ton of thumbs-ups. I don’t remember it taking anywhere near so long to upload, and well… hmph. pout pout pout whine whine.
KeymasterSounds awesome. I don’t want to rename my “MLG” ships tho. And I don’t know how to record yet
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by